Read the Press Release about our recently held
35th Anniversary Reception and Awards Ceremony
Tuesday November 17, 2015, 7 PM
at the NJ Law Center, New Brunswick
Emcee: Michael Murphy, Former Morris Co. Prosecutor
Special Honoree - Honorable James J. McGreevey
Recipient of the "Al Jeffers Community Service Award"
2016 Announcements
NJLCL Vice President Fred Hogan was recently elected President of the Board of Directors of the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey, Inc.
2015 TRIO Award
NJLCL's Immediate Past President Kenneth Strait has been selected as one of the 2015 National TRIO Achievers award recipients for making “significant civic, community, or professional contributions.” The award is given by a group of programs within the U.S. Department of Education that strive to increase educational opportunity for disadvantaged students. It honors those who have achieved noteworthy status in their professions and who have helped to create educational opportunity. Judge Strait serves as Municipal Court Judge in Montclair, among other locales.
State Fee Arbitration Board Appointment
NJLCL President Fred W. Hogan has been appointed by the Supreme Court of New Jersey to District IIIA Fee Arbitration Committee for a four-year term. The Supreme Court relies upon volunteers in the Fee Arbitration system to provide clients and attorneys with an inexpensive, fast and confidential method of resolving fee disputes.
Reorganization of Executive Offices
In the recent reorganization of the Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Executive Board, Fred W. Hogan was elected LCL President, while Maryjean Ellis was elected Vice President. The reorganization included creating a distinction between the prior Secretary/Treasurer position into two separate offices. Michael R. Canfield remains Treasurer, while Lewis P. Sengstacke was elected as the new Secretary. Sengstacke was the recipient of the NJ Lawyers Assistance Program's Advocacy Award in June 2014. In the same reorganization.
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